What people say
Having had the Ecco Stove for 4 winters now I can honestly say that all the statements made when purchasing have become reality.
The stove heats up so quickly and uses just 8-10 Kiln dried logs in a full day that means I spend less than £300 a year heating my living areas.
A lovely ecco friendly way to enjoy a warm glowing fire.
On Saturday I managed to assemble the oven. It was relatively easy and straightforward. The individual pieces are sometimes a bit difficult, but with good help everything works!
Here are the dates and a few photos after installation. Now I have the stove in operation for a good 3 days, i.e. Firing in the morning and evening. The temperature in the whole house is between 21-22.5 ° and very pleasant. This without other heating sources. Great, exactly as I had imagined. Thank you.
By the way, I have mounted the oven on casters so that I can pull it forward for cleaning because it is in a niche. The base plate was great for that.
Three years ago the back boiler went on my multi-fuel central heating, and you came to advise me on replacing it. It was interested in the Ecco Stove. You said it would heat the cottage, though not the conservatory, and pointed out that it would work better in a more open plan house than a cottage with several little rooms. It does a great job, and I'm really pleased with it. It does in fact heat the conservatory to a satisfactory background heat (round all the corners!) It is amazing how it holds heat over night. It is really easy to get going. My old central heating used to use three times as much fuel to keep it going. I'm really impressed.
We purchased the Ecco Stove 678 in September 2018 and it's been used nearly every day since. The stove has transformed our 4 bed grade 2 listed cottage from being quite cold through the winter into a lovely warm and cosy cottage. We have not needed to use the central heating at all . It is also so easy to use and keep clean, so much easier than our previous cast iron log burner. It's a pleasure dealing with a company who are so professional in what they do, both before & after the installation.
David BUK
You installed our stove earlier this year and I thought I’d let you know that we are loving it. It is a real focal point of our home and everyone who has seen it comments on it. We have a lot of ‘stove envy’ from our friends! It’s extremely effective at heating our whole house, including up to our bedroom which is two floors up in the attic. The stove gives off a lot of heat and is still warm in the morning. It is easy to set the fire and once up to the best temperature, it is easy to maintain the heat. Our dogs can’t get close enough…see attached photo. Many thanks.
Mr and Mrs BUK
…We are really pleased with the Ecco Stove, from both appearance and efficiency points of view. Whilst somewhat quirky, it has certainly drawn attention from almost all visitors here during the parts of the Winter that we were in UK. I have no doubt at all that your company and some of my guests will get acquainted in the not too distance future.
…both Trish & I offer our genuine thanks for your fabulous attitude to after-sales service... and of course for inventing, producing and installing a great product.
Trish and TimUK
So as Spring is here and the wood burning season almost over here I thought I'd post a quick update for those interested in how this winter has been with our Ecco Stove 580.
First thing to say is that we have saved a huge amount of wood over our old cast iron stove, on the days where we have lit the fire in the morning and kept it going until bedtime, we have used the same amount of wood that we would have in just the evening with the old stove, for that alone we're happy.
As for the temperatures, all rooms did get a couple of degrees warmer with the Ecco Stove running, so the claims that the heat does move around are true!! We could have our old stove raging so hot that we couldn't sit near it but none of that heat ever got upstairs.
Also our old stove would become cold very very quickly once it had gone out whereas the heat stayed in the Ecco Stove for a good few hours afterwards, clearly all the while cooling but when touched in the morning after being out for 7 hours the stove material would be a little over room temperature still, this HAS to be a huge help to kick out heat over night or when we've been out of an evening.
I'm sure we'd have better performance from the bigger models as they are measured to retain heat for much longer than the little 580 due to the extra mass but anything bigger would be too big for our house.
So, not a cheap stove but we're more than happy with the extra expense which will soon pay for itself in wood savings.
Stuart, TuscanyItaly
Having owned an Ecco Stove 678 for the past four winters, I thought I would let you know what a massive difference it has made.
In general, the house is warmer than when we used the central heating and the Ecco Stove has turned a cold and unused area into the place of choice to sit. Our house is large with four bedrooms. Half is over 100 years old and thermally inefficient and the other half is a twenty year old extension. The stove is positioned in an open area in the centre of the house where heat can circulate to all rooms.
Usage - we use approx. seven cubic metres of logs per winter. When the daytime temperature is around 10°C, we light the stove late morning or early afternoon. As the daytime temperature decreases, we light it earlier. At the moment (April 2017), with daytime temperatures at around 12°C and 3°C overnight, we light the stove at lunch time, get it up to temperature and keep it there for a couple of hours, then let the fire die. The house stays warm through the evening and isn't cold in the morning.
Central heating - during winter 2015/16, which was quite warm, we used the heating for approx. 14 hours. This winter (2016/17), which has had much colder spells, we have used the heating for approx. 28 hours. Even when the daytime temperature was plus 1 or 2°C and night-time was -7°C, we still didn't use the heating. The whole house is warm whereas before the stove was installed, we kept room doors closed and only kept a few warm.
We often say how glad we are that we had the stove installed. Visitors comment on how much heat it produces and its design, which looks good even in a period setting. So far, we have had two different chimney sweeps and neither have seen anything like the Ecco Stove. Last year's even took photos to show his guild and trade colleagues. I hope this gives you some useful information on how one of your stoves is used and I would like to say a big 'thank you' for your excellent service.
According to the gauge on our propane tank, we’ve used next to nothing since we started running the E850 Ecco Stove about 7 days ago!
Our range of temperature within the house is between 68 and 72 degrees F. We generally only fuel the Ecco Stove mornings and evenings. I’m confident that if the grid went down, our household heating wouldn’t be affected. What an amazing alternative heating system ... and just from one easy-to-use wood burning heater.
Terry - WisconsinUSA
The performance of the Ecco Stove has exceeded all our expectations, as we have only used our oil boiler to heat the house when we haven’t been at home, otherwise our house is now heated entirely by the wood burning stove.
They came out and thoroughly surveyed our house and not only prepared both a works plan and quote but gave us an idea of how the stove we had chosen (an Ecco Stove E730) would perform and heat each room, which turned out to be accurate.
We have had a second stove, an Ecco 580 installed in the cottage next door, and are confident that there will be no need to have supplementary heat sources in the 3-bedroom Victorian cottage.
The stoves aren't cheap, but the true comparison is not with other wood burners, but with other forms of central heating. If you have an old house or a barn conversion and dread the disruption and cost of retrofitting a conventional central heating system, this is the way to go.
I can proudly present you our Ecco stove (Zsolt built it up.):
It indeed keeps its promise! We are very satisfied with it, now winter can come!
Thank you very much!
I’ve been waiting to see out our first winter before writing a review.
We purchased an Ecco Stove E580 from Ecco Stove Ireland (Forde Superstores) in May 2017. I cannot fault the service or value, great guys.
Our house is a 1840’s cottage, stone built and was notoriously difficult to heat. We installed the Ecco Stove in the place of an old cast iron stove. The old stove would excessively heat the room and leave all the surrounding rooms cold without having to put on the central heating.
Now since the E580 has been installed we have a much more comfortable home and find that the central heating is hardly ever turned on. The heat travels around the whole house.
We’ve also noticed that we tend to let the fire die out much earlier in the evening as the stove continues to give out heat right through the night saving us on fuel and money.
Don't take our word for it...
We know that Ecco Stove is an investment. We pride ourselves on our integrity to our customers and we encourage all our prospective customers to talk to our existing customers. We are happy to put you in contact with our customers to get their opinion and advice on the stove before you commit!