Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
The Ecco stove can be used for domestic hot water (DHW) through the use of hot box. Due to the nature if the silicon carbide the amount of heat transferred will be less than a conventional boiler stove and will take longer to re-coup the water used. Therefore we suggest using the hot box in conjunction with a secondary system such as an immersion heater to support if required.
The amount of water provided is 2 x 30 gallon cylinders to 450C in 24 hours provided the Ecco stove is run to optimum 2000C for 15 hours in 24.
The stainless hot water coil is factory built into the hot box incorporating 2 x 10mm male threaded tails connected to standard pipework with 15mm compression fitting with soft copper olives using jointing paste too seal. Projecting from the back of the hot box at a centre point of 935mm above the hearth on which the stove stands. The height of the stove is increased from 878mm to 1000mm.
Connection may be gravitational to a direct or indirect cylinder mains pressure, or fully pumped. Maximum operating pressure of the coil is 4Bar therefore the system must be regulated to this maximum operating pressure as the DHW heater coil within the Ecco stoves hot box has no such facility hence relies on the outside system safety devices to protect it.
Ensure all flow and return pipes are 28mm constantly (falling constantly for the return pipe) rising to a maximum of 3 m in any direction for gravity, and lagged throughout and deliver their heat into a cylinder or Heat Storage Cylinder such as a buffer tank.
This system is not powerful enough to add directly to a wet house heating system – DHW only. The temperature output of the Ecco Stoves water heating coil is not considered high enough (53-560C maximum) to add directly into a central or under floor system – only a buffer tank on domestic hot water cylinder as a supplement to other forms of DHW heating.
Differently to the E or EC678 model without a Hot Box, instead of the stoves “best” running temperature being 150-200° C, the model with Hot Box is best at 75-100° C or more.

If the hotbox is just used with domestic hot water only the hotbox complete with coils shown in (A) above is filled with Silicon Carbide for extra mass and heat storage and the access ports on the top shown in (B) are not removable. If the Hot box is to be used for warm air distribution only, one of the four ports is used for incoming displacement air while the other three can be used for passive or fan assisted ducting for heating other rooms or zones.
Should both ducting and DHW be required the hotbox is not filled with Silicon Carbide and there would be a trade off between water generated and warm air provision depending on demand and usage.
When using fans with WAD always ensure you are providing positive pressure only to the room the stove is in.